
Dialoge final Project.

 This was not my finest work. At first it was going fine, I used Adobe Character Animate for the first time, I made a puppet and did my best to sync the mouth to the song. Then IT started lagging and twitching and I had no idea what I was doing or how to fix it so in the end its kind of a mess, but at least it makes me laugh a little. 


 I like this project the most. drawing each frame is not for me, I definitely enjoy making puppets and animating that way. I wanted an enlightened being to be peacefully dancing their arms around in this animation. 


 I liked my idea for this project. I wanted a non binary Character to take off their chest after a long day and literally feel the weight off their shoulders/back/chest!

I should have Walked

 This walk project was not good. It was hard lol. I wanted my character to walk like an Egyptian and its awkward and jumpy. 

Head Turns

 This project was a lot harder than i expected it to be. I think i got so frustrated and gave up because I wasn't sure how to fix it. I was excited to use one of my favorite characters, but it didn't turn out the way I had hoped. 

Pantomime #3

 I had a lot of fun with the project. I made my flour sack sassy and gave her a lot of cake. I also added music to the scene which made it feel more alive. 

Project#2 OverLapping Action

 Don't let the Money rule you. I chose to do a swinging hand because it was similar to to pendulum our teacher showed us as an example for this class. This project was fun and easy for me.